I recently found myself having to eat a soft food diet. Not being someone that is a fan of mushy food, I thought back to a childhood favorite of mine. I went to the nearest grocery store in search of a can of SpaghettiOs. Eagerly I headed home knowing these would fill the void in my hungry stomach. As the 2 minutes ticked down on the microwave, summer memories flooded back to me of lunches with my grandparents at their dining room table, laughing as I ate these delicious morsels. The bell rang at last, and I dug in… wait something isn’t right here. My tastebuds must be off. Trying another bite, I realized it was unavoidable… these SpaghettiOs don’t taste anything like I remembered! Feeling disappointed, I wondered what else from my younger years is not the same.

As I pondered this thought, I remembered my first checking account I opened 30 plus years ago. At that time, the biggest choice I had was the scene I would have printed on my checks. Not that I was exactly able to use those checks as businesses frowned upon taking any under a certain sequence and debit cards did not exist. The other downfall was that knowing my bank balance sooner than my statement arrived in the mail depended on me accurately keeping my check register.

Unlike my memory of SpaghettiOs banking has seen a vast improvement in options customers can enjoy. Products like online and mobile banking allow you the convenience of securely managing your account and view transaction activity at the tips of your finger. Instant issue debit cards, mobile wallets, and contactless debit cards ensure that you have access to make purchases on your account, in your way. Bring your debit card control to the next level by utilizing CardValet where you can turn your card on and off, establish transaction controls, receive alerts, and stay informed of balances and usage. Thankfully, we are not left to rely on a memory of how things had been to compete with today’s world.

You might be saying to yourself, “but I opened that account 30 years ago”. Take heart, these same great features are ready and waiting for you to set them up. No need to change your account, simply come in to any ASB location and we can walk you through the steps to take advantage of these fantastic products. I encourage you to see what American State Bank can do to update your way of doing business.

Written by: Melissa Callstrom

Vice President, Office Manager